Take Action

Our goal for starting this blog wasn’t radical and our intention was fairly simple, to educate and empower others to find ways to get involved in the fight to eliminate human trafficking. We recognize that knowledge is power and educating other about this human rights and social justice issue is at the center of combating this epidemic. We are not here to reinvent the wheel and to create our own action steps, rather we hope that this space can be a place where you come to get ideas and be inspired by work that is already going on. We hope you make this journey personal and choose to take action in something that interest you; maybe you’ll find that in the links provided below that are intended to promote education and awareness of this issue, or maybe you’ll find it in the petitions discussed below, where you can take on a more political approach, or perhaps you want to get more hands on by attending a local event or volunteering at a local organization. Whatever it is that you choose to do, big or small, we hope you put 100% into it and know that you are helping to make a difference in the lives of countless men, women, and children in your own backyard and around the world. 

Listed below are action steps you can take to make a difference:

-         Links to where people you can go to get more information and use your knowledge on human trafficking to raise awareness in your community:
·         Organization Websites

·         Government Websites
-          Links to a few petitions currently out there designed to help fight human trafficking. Sign the petitions below to show your support or create your own petition and ask others to help support your goal to fight human trafficking:

1)      Sign the petition below imploring McGraw-Hill, a well known publisher of educational materials and online literature, to update their textbooks used in schools to include education on the issue of modern-day slavery.  

2)      Sign the petition below telling Hilton Hotels to help fight the issue of human trafficking by working to prevent child prostitution in their hotel chains around the world.

3)      Go to this website to create your own petitions for free and help spread the word!

-          Links to human trafficking events or volunteer opportunities that you can get involved with to have a more hands-on experience in the fight to end human trafficking

Find your voice! Be inspired!
Take a Stand! Go change your world!!

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